Phenotype search results

Showing 31 to 40 of 1817 entries

abnormal embryonic growth/weight/body size

Synonym: growth/weight/body size abnormality: embryonic

Definition: limited or accelerated growth or development apparent during the embryonic period (sensu Mus: up to E14, or the completion of organogenesis)

increased urine microalbumin level

Synonym: microalbuminuria, increased microalbumin excretion

Definition: greater than the normal amount of microalbumin in the urine

abnormal humoral immune response

Synonym: humoural immune response dysfunction, humoral immune response dysfunction, antibody-mediated immune response abnormalities, abnormal humoural immune response

Definition: any functional anomaly of the aspect of immunity that is mediated by secreted antibodies produced in the cells of the B lymphocyte lineage (B cell) and the accessory processes that accompany it, including Th2 activation and cytokine production, germinal center formation and isotype switching, affinity maturation and memory cell generation; it also refers to the effector functions of antibody, which include pathogen and toxin neutralization, classical complement activation, and opsonin promotion of phagocytosis and pathogen elimination

increased femur stiffness


Definition: increase in material stiffness (N/mm) during elastic deformation in the femur

cleft palate

Synonym: palatoschisis

Definition: congenital fissure of the tissues normally uniting to form the palate


Synonym: pupil dilation, enlarged pupils, large pupils, large pupil, dilated pupil, enlarged pupil, dilated pupils, increased pupil size

Definition: increased diameter of one or both central circular aperture of the iris through which light rays enter the eye

abnormal mature NK cell morphology

Synonym: abnormal mature natural killer cell morphology, abnormal lymphokine activated killer cell morphology

Definition: any structural anomaly of NK cells expressing the maturation marker CD11b

abnormal gland morphology

Synonym: abnormal glands morphology, glands: dysmorphology, glandular dysplasia

Definition: any structural anomaly of an organ that functions as a secretory or excretory organ

shortened PR interval

Synonym: decreased PR interval, reduced PR interval

Definition: decrease in the length of time between the beginning of atrial depolarization and the beginning of ventricular depolarization, measured by the interval from the beginning of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS complex

abnormal cardiovascular system morphology

Synonym: cardiovascular dysplasia, cardiovascular system dysplasia, heart/cardiovascular system: dysmorphology

Definition: any structural anomaly of the heart or vascular tissue

Showing 31 to 40 of 1817 entries

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